Is Your PVC Deck Winter-Proofed?
With winter peaking around the corner, many people can expect to see snow and ice everywhere. With the possibilities of snow, rain, and ice, you should be aware how you can accurately remove them from your PVC deck.
Many people choose to go to their local hardware store so they can find any product that is supposed to melt the messy ice and snow. Unfortunately, many of those products that claim to be good for melting ice and snow can actually cause harm to your PVC deck because of the chemicals.
Whenever you start to see snow falling on your deck, what is one thing you should not do to protect your deck? You should never use a metal shovel on your deck in an attempt to remove the snow.
When you decide that it is time to clear some of the ice and snow from your deck, here are some things you should always remember?
- Before the snow even begins to fall, you should inspect your deck for anything extending from the floor. If there are any nails extending from your deck floor, someone’s foot or one a shovel if you are using that to remove the snow.
- Try using one of your brooms to remove the snow from your deck. A broom will be better if there is not much snow on your deck. You should make sure you use a broom that will not leave any scratches on your deck.
- If there is ice on your deck, you should never try to chop the ice on the deck. Yes, you will have chopped ice on your deck, but you can also chop your deck. That will not be good.
- If you do use a shovel to remove the snow, you should use a plastic shovel. Make sure the plastic shovel does not have a metal blade; the blade should also be plastic.
It is important to properly maintain your deck so it will still be there for you to use for several more years. With winter around the corner, do you think you have taken the right steps to ensure your deck will be protected?
If not, and you need additional information about how you can prepare your deck for the winter, contact us today.